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Our vision is to rid the world of needless job descriptions by helping businesses recruit their soul mate every time they have a job available.
We want to help drive the world economy by making businesses more effective, filling them with people who love their job.
It is one of the reasons we built this free tool to help you measure the quality of your job descriptions:
We have put together a wealth of information to help you make sure your job description page performs at its very best. You will bring quality candidates to your door with some of these tips. It is a breakdown of what our Job Page Grader looks for when scoring your job description.
We hope you find this guide useful. We are conscious you might not have the ability to action some of the advice we offer on your recruitment website. So, if you do need help, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
We look at four key metrics we believe to be the most critical factors of a world-class job description page:
Our biggest bugbear. A lack of engaging content is very common. With our recommendations to language, imagery, video, and more, you will find potential candidates spend more time on your job pages. Ultimately, our recommendations are about creating a much better brand experience than before.
This metric reflects on how well your job page can stand out from the crowd. Engaging your target audience is the name of the game to make sure they read and respond to your content. We break that down into three factors:
The sentiment is all about the words you have used. Getting the sentiment and tone of your content right is crucial to attracting the best people to respond.
Let us start at the top. Your job page headline is probably the single most important thing you need to consider.
It needs to carry the right sentiment to engage candidates and get them to read the rest of the job page. There is a lot of competition for talented people, so a simple mention of the job title on offer might be factual, but not as positive or engaging as it could be. Did you know that 80% of people will read your headline, but then only 20% will click through and read the content? So, as far as a job page is concerned, getting a good headline is hugely important. Make it positive, informative and engaging. Moreover, of course, accurate.
If you have got your headline right, candidates will keep reading, and then respond to your call to action for more information, or apply for the job.
Your content needs to convey the sentiment around your brand and products positively. It should demonstrate your employer brand and do all it can to encourage those with the right fit for your organisation to apply.
Getting the readability of your job page right is vital.
If the text is too awkward to read, wordy and technical, then it may not be understood. If it is too factual and dry, it may be boring. The readability has a real influence over the extent to which your candidate will engage with your job page. Focus on getting your message across in short sentences. Choose your words carefully.
It is essential to make sure that nothing is making your job page hard to read. Ensure your job page displays correctly across different devices.
There is often lots happening on a modern website. Not all of it needs to happen as soon as the visitor hits your site. So, it's good practice to prioritise the initial visible content, often known as the content "above the fold" which is seen before the visitor has to scroll down the page. The browser is not being overworked, and the server will load the remaining content efficiently while the visitor is viewing the prioritised content.
A ViewPort configures how your web page appears on a mobile device.
If your site does not use a viewport, then mobile devices will scale your content based on the typical width of a desktop computer screen. Then the content can appear distorted, squashed or stretched. The viewport will make sure the page is rendered and scaled appropriately for the device used.
Nobody minds having to scroll down to read a web page, but having to scroll across or turn a device to read your content is a real turn-off. Screen dimensions vary, so your website must adjust to display your content correctly across as many devices as you can get your hands on.
You need to make sure that the size of the words on your page are legible.
However, it can be overlooked that mobile devices can scale down pages and make the text very hard to read. Your page should use a viewport to control the width and scaling of your content, Be sure that they'll scale appropriately on mobile devices.
With our job page grader tool, we measure features that will help make an impression and engage with your candidates. Taking into account any use of images, video or interactive content, as well as factors that can slow down performance.
Using a Favourite Icon or Favicon is a great idea to help your site stand out. It is a small icon, often the logo of the company.
Browsers display it in the address bar by the URL, and which also appears in a list of bookmarked sites and in the page title if you have several browser tabs open. It is an icon for your favourites. It displays an attention to detail that viewers can find reassuring and helps your site stand out in a list of bookmarks or open tabs.
Google is now displaying it in SERPs, helping websites to be found quicker and easier.
Images can help bring a job page to life, so make sure any images you use are optimised and scale to the device size. They should quickly load and not cause problems for those using mobile devices to view your job page.
Like any good piece of content, images can help break up your content into digestible chunks and keep the candidate engaged with your job description page.
Video is increasingly in use on job pages and is a great way to better engage with your candidates. Check out one of our examples of a job description video -
Try to capture all the essential parts of your job description concisely to encourage them to read your job description in more detail. Just ensure your video loads quickly, adapts to the available bandwidth and does not adversely slow the page down.
Blockquotes draw attention to a particular part of your text, for emphasis or to highlight a call to action or a quote is a great way to add interest and boost engagement.
A block quotation is set off from the main text as a paragraph or block of text, and can additionally be in a contrasting, italicised or bold font. Do not overuse blockquotes, though, or their impact may be lost.
We all use language that is subtly 'gender-coded'. We analyse your text to see if you use words that are biased toward either male or female applicants. Without realising it, your language may be deterring potential candidates.
To avoid gender bias, include your commitment to diversity in the workplace. Mention benefits that will be of interest to candidates of both genders, such as parental leave, childcare subsidies, and flexi-time. Be descriptive and honest and use words such as "project manager", or "engineer" rather than slang such as "hacker" or "superhero". Female candidates are more collaborative than competitive, so they will be less likely to apply if your advert uses many competitive words such as "expert," and "superior".
Use language that stresses collaboration, team achievement and diversity of contribution. A long list of "nice to have requirements" deters female applicants, and similarly, specifying a specific university degree may prevent some applicants due to some degrees being more popular with one gender than another. Job Page Grader will recommend what words to replace.